Sunday, August 7, 2011

To an anarchist, one who defends his country is an "ultranationalist"

In an effort to smear Israelis whom they personally detest, Reuters correspondents routinely tag them with cheap labels they know carry a negative connotation for the audience: right-winger, settlers, ultranationalist, to cite a few.  On the Palestinian side of course, the corresponding identifiers have a somewhat different flavor: leftist, people, and refugee.

This name calling or stereotyping is a tired propaganda device and one which spits in the faces of Thomson Reuters executives who are bound to uphold, at all costs, the company's policy of impartiality embedded in the Trust Principles.

It is probably fitting however, that a Reuters correspondent who lists the anarchist group CODEPINK as a favorite on her social network site would use the term "ultranationalist" to describe someone who is not prepared to surrender his country to those who would wreck it:
(Reuters) - Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Sunday Israel should sever contacts with the Palestinian Authority over its plans to ask the United Nations in September to upgrade the Palestinians' status in the world body.
Citing calls by some Palestinian officials for protests to coincide with the U.N. session, Lieberman, an ultranationalist, told reporters: "What is clear is the Palestinian Authority plans violence and bloodshed of a type we have not yet seen."
 Carry on Allyn; carry on.

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