Monday, September 6, 2010

"Indigenous" Jordanians

The modern Kingdom of Jordan, formerly known as Transjordan, represents approximately 78 percent of the original Palestine Mandate and was founded in 1949 following the War of Independence between Israel and the surrounding Arab states.  There is no difference, ethnically-speaking, between Arabs who lived east of the Jordan river in that portion of the Palestine Mandate which eventually became Jordan and those Arabs who originally lived west of the Jordan river in the area commonly known today as the "West Bank".  Even demographers do not distinguish between them.

But professional propagandists who wish to draw an artificial distinction between these groups of Arabs for the sake of political expediency or to push a particular agenda, do attempt to bifurcate them:
But Jordan's leading news website doesn't shy away from hectoring the government over misappropriation of funds by senior officials or highlighting fault lines between the country's Palestinian population and indigenous Jordanians.
Note that "indigenous Jordanians" are simply those Palestinian Arabs who happened to be living in the eastern portion of the Mandate when the country was founded.  Notwithstanding, the Jordanian government often discriminates unfairly between its Arab citizens of different tribal ancestry and has recently revoked the citizenship of thousands of subjects who originally came to Jordan from the West Bank.  Reuters doesn't mention this and suggests, misleadingly, that such deprivations are only now being considered:
Hattar's 'Allofjordan' was one of the few outlets, along with 'Ammonnews', to publish statements of normally apolitical ex-army officers asking King Abdullah to revoke citizenship of thousands of Jordanians of Palestinian origin, echoing the same fears the kingdom could turn into a Palestinian state.
Would Reuters be as taciturn if the Israeli government had stripped its Arab population of citizenship?  Rhetorical question.

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