Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Netanyahu a hit; Douglas Hamilton depressed

One can almost see Reuters correspondent Douglas Hamilton reaching for his antidepressant medication following Benjamin Netanyahu's speech before Congress yesterday.  Hamilton writes:
Invited by the Republican opponents of President Barack Obama, Netanyahu won standing ovations as he extolled Israel's democracy and military self-reliance while rejecting any Palestinian state based on Israel's pre-1967 borders. 
Hamilton alludes to the notion that it was only Republican opponents of President Obama who cheered Netanyahu but of course, it was nearly everyone in the house:

The fact is, the American people and their representatives in Congress, both Republican and Democrat, support Israel in its quest and formula for peace which, notwithstanding Jeffrey Heller's false assertion, reflect significant concessions to the Palestinian Arabs.

Douglas Hamilton and the anti-Israel crowd at Reuters may have nothing to offer but raspberries for Netanyahu but at the end of the day, media propaganda will not end this ancient conflict.  Only Arab acceptance of a Jewish national presence in the Middle East can achieve that.

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