Thursday, April 29, 2010

Egypt kills Palestinian smugglers; Reuters blames Israel and the US

There are conflicting reports of precisely how the tunnel smugglers died (AP indicates poison gas was used; Reuters reports a bomb was detonated underground) but four Palestinians were killed by Egyptian security forces yesterday.  However, in the second paragraph of its story, Reuters points the finger at who it considers the real culprits:
Under pressure from Israel and the United States, Egypt has tried to stem the secret passages from its Sinai peninsula, which have allowed Palestinians in Gaza to import weapons and commercial goods in defiance of an Israeli-led blockade.
And later in the article:
Many Egyptians sympathise with the Palestinians and the Hamas Islamists who rule Gaza and refuse to forswear violence againt [sic] the Jewish state.
The insinuation being of course, that in killing Palestinian smugglers, the Egyptians are only doing Israel's bidding.

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